I try to talk with you,
But i don't know what to say
I am afraid you don't want me to say anything...
So i don't say anything....
But inside me there are words waiting to come out..
I want to tell you...
That how i feels...
Like how i miss you...
How i love you..
Despite my broken heart..
I want to tell you...
How i need you in my life...
Especially how much i love you
How much i need you...
But this word may forever stay in my heart..
Locked inside....
I wonder if there are words locked inside you too...
I never know...
I wonder too...
Actually there are no words inside you...
That especially whispered for me...
I never know...
Because you don't say anything...
I wonder...
I wonder...
I wonder...
That my love for you is without words....
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